Latina Leaders | Yvette Peña & Lili Gil Valetta


Yvette Peña, Vice President, Hispanic/Latino Audience Strategy, Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, AARP

Lili Gil Valletta, Founder and CEO, Cultural Intelligence Expert

We invite you to enjoy this episode. It's a jewel! Learn how purpose, a want to learn, and a passion to make an impact can be the formula for success.

Yvetta Pena, VP, Hispanic/Latino Audience Strategy, AARP Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Lili Gil Valetta, Founder and CEO | Cultural Intelligence Expert, explain how to not be afraid to stand up. "You have to find your way, bring your chair to that table, and make your voice heard." These Latina leaders are finding ways to transform lives by helping Latinos and women fulfill their dreams.


  • Find your passion and love what you do

  • We should never stop wanting to learn and grow

  • Find your purpose

  • Break that glass ceiling

  • Let's teach girls that their voices matter